Jeff Cookston
( He/Him/His )Twitter: @jtcookston
Learn more at the FAmily Interaction Research Laboratory website
PSY 205 - Research as Me-Search: Translating Personal Experiences to a Science of Mind and Behavior
PSY 303 - Psychology: The Major and Profession
PSY 305 - Writing in Psychology - GWAR (Topic: Observations of Children)
PSY 330 - Child Development
PSY 400 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 430 - Adolescent Development
PSY 431 - Developmental Psychology
PSY 433 - Social and Emotional Development
PSY 435 - Developmental Psychopathology (nee Behavior Problems in Children)
PSY 690 - Future Directions for Psychology Majors
PSY 730 - Current Issues in Developmental Psychology
PSY 735 - Love and the Life Cycle
PSY 735 - Prevention, Intervention, and Family Transitions
PSY 737 - Observation of Children
PSY 739 - Writing for Technical Journals
PSY 770 - Research Methods
My research addresses families with special attention to the role of coparenting, fathering, and divorce. I am currently conducting studies on:
1) how families from diverse cultural experiences adjust to divorce
2) how adolescents socially construct their relationships with their fathers
3) how divorce and separation and eating practices are related
Areas of focus
· Social and Emotional Development in Childhood and Adolescence
· Interparental Conflict, Coparenting Processes, and Child Psychopathology
· Father-Child Relationship as Buffer between Negative Events and Adjustment
· Intervention with Families in Crisis and with Families of Divorce
· Contextual Influences on Parenting Behavior
Dr. Cookston in the media
KQED Forum - July 26th, 2013 - Children and divorce
Father's Day 2013 - "Am I the dad you need me to be?"
Father's Day 2014 - Using guided cognitive reframing to improve father-adolescent relationships
More on guided cognitive reframing
Talking about the results of Juang & Cookston (2009a) on radio and televison:
Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX. B.A. in Psychology. Minor in Spanish. Undergraduate advisor: Robert Reinehr, Ph.D.
University of Texas, Austin, TX., M.A. in Human Development and Education, Department of Educational Psychology. Graduate advisor: Amanda Harrist, Ph.D.
University of Texas, Austin, TX., Ph.D. in Human Development and Education, Department of Educational Psychology. Graduate advisor: Amanda Harrist, Ph.D. Dissertation Responsive parenting behavior: Its relation to role quality, the parenting alliance, and interpersonal context. Committee: Cindy Carlson (co-chair), Amanda Harrist (co-chair), Ted Dix, Lucia Gilbert, William Koch
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ., NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow. Program for Prevention Research. Postdoctoral advisors: Sanford Braver, Ph.D., and Irwin Sandler, Ph.D.
NOTE - underlined authors are current and former student collaborators
Xu, X., Spinrad, T. L., Cookston, J. T., & Matsumoto, D. (2020). The relations of parental emotion dysregulation and emotion socialization to young adults’ emotion dysregulation. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 725–737. https://doi-org.jpllnet.sfsu.edu/10.1007/s10826-019-01619-x
Vélez, C. E., Braver, S. L., Cookston, J. T., Fabricius, W. V., & Parke, R. D. (2019). Does mattering to parents matter to adolescent mental health?: A psychometric analysis. Family Relations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies. https://doi-org.jpllnet.sfsu.edu/10.1111/fare.12396
Parke, R. D., & Cookston, J. T. (2019). Advancing research and measurement on fathering and child development: Commentary: Many types of fathers, many types of contexts: An agenda for future progress in fathering research. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 84(1), 132–146.
Stevenson, M. M., Fabricius, W. V., Braver, S. L., & Cookston, J. T. (2018). Associations between parental relocation following separation in childhood and maladjustment in adolescence and young adulthood. Psychology, Public Policy, And Law, doi:10.1037/law0000172
Morford, A. E., Cookston, J. T., & Hagan, M. J. (2017). Parental distress tolerance in three periods of child development: The moderating role of child temperament. Journal Of Child And Family Studies, doi:10.1007/s10826-017-0838-x
Ibrahim, M. H., Somers, J. A., Luecken, L. L., Fabricius, W. V., & Cookston, J. T. (2017). Father-adolescent engagement in shared activities: Effects on cortisol stress response in young adulthood. Journal of Family Psychology, 31(4), 485-494. doi: 10.1037/fam0000259
Schofield, T., Toro, R., Parke, R. D., Cookston, J. T., Fabricius, W. V., & Coltrane, S. (2017). Parenting and substance use among Mexican-origin adolescents: Moderation by preference for a common language. Published online ahead of print on Jan 12, 2017 at Developmental Psychology. doi: 10.1037/dev0000280
Suh, G. W., Fabricius, W. V., Stevenson, M. W., Parke, R. D., Cookston, J. T., Braver, S. L., & Saenz, D. S. (2016). Effects of the interparental relationship on adolescents’ emotional security and adjustment: The important role of fathers. Published online ahead of print in Oct, 2016 at Developmental Psychology. doi: 10.1037/dev0000204
Nieri, T., Grindal, M., Adams, M. A., Cookston, J. T., Fabricius, W. V., Parke, R. D., & Saenz, D. S. (2016). Reconsidering the “acculturation gap” narrative through an analysis of parent-adolescent acculturation differences in Mexican American families. Published online ahead of print at Journal of Family Issues, 37(14), 1919-1944. doi:10.1177/0192513X14551175
Cookston, J. T., Olide, A., Parke, R. D., Fabricius, W. V., Saenz, D., & Braver, S. L. (2015). He said what? Guided cognitive reframing about the co-resident father/stepfather-adolescent relationship. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25(2), 263-278. doi: 10.1111/jora.12120
Mauskopf, S., O’Leary, A., Banhashimini, A., Weiner, M., T., & Cookston, J. (2015). Divorce, Family Context, and Eating Behaviors: A Five-Day Diary Study of Pre-Adolescent Obesity Risk. Childhood Obesity, 11(2), 122-129. doi: 10.1089/chi.2014.0053
Mauskopf, S., O’Leary, A., Banhashimini, A., Weiner, M., T., & Cookston, J. (in press). Divorce, Family Context, and Eating Behaviors: A Five-Day Diary Study of Pre-Adolescent Obesity Risk. Accepted for publication at Childhood Obesity.
Neiri, T., Grindal, M., Adams, M. A., Cookston, J. T., Fabricius, W. V., Parke, R. D., & Saenz, D. S. (2014). Reconsidering the “acculturation gap” narrative through an analysis of parent-adolescent acculturation differences in Mexican American families. Published online ahead of print at Journal of Family Issues. doi:10.1177/0192513X14551175
Zhou, Q., Chen, S. H., Cookston, J. T., & Wolchik, S. (2014). Evaluating the cultural fit of the New Beginnings parent program for divorced Asian American mothers: A pilot study. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 5(2), 126-133. DOI - 10.1037/a0035519
Cookston, J. T., & Remy, L. N. (2014). Who am I if we aren’t us? Divorce and identity across the lifespan. Oxford Encyclopedia of Identity Development.
Finlay, A. K., Cookston, J. T., Saenz, D. S., Baham, M. E., Parke, R. D., Fabricius, W. V., & Braver, S. L. (2014). Attributions of fathering behaviors among adolescents: The role of depressive symptoms, ethnicity, and family structure. Journal of Family Issues, 35(4), 501-525. doi:10.1177/0192513X13478404 full text
Stevenson, M. M., Fabricius, W. V., Cookston, J. T., Parke, R. D., Coltrane, S., Braver, S. L. & Saenz, D. S. (2013). Marital problems, maternal gatekeeping attitudes, and father-child relationships in adolescence. Developmental Psychology first published online Dec 23, 2013 as doi: 10.1037/a0035327
Perez-Brena, N. J., Cookston, J. T., Fabricius, W. V., & Saenz, D. (2012). Patterns of father self evaluations among Mexican and European American men and links to adolescent adjustment. Fathering, 10(2), 213-235. full text
Cookston, J. T., Olide, A., Adams, M., Fabricius, W. V., Braver, S. L., & Parke, R. D. (2012). In L. Juang & A. Umana-Taylor (Issue Eds.), Family conflict among Chinese and Mexican-origin adolescents and their parents. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development (L. Jensen & R. Larson, Eds.), pp. 83-103. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. full text
Juang, L., Syed, M., Cookston, J., & Wang, Y., & Kim, S.-Y. (2012). Everyday and acculturation-based family conflict among Chinese American parents and adolescents. In L. Juang & A. Umana-Taylor (Issue Eds.), Family conflict among Chinese and Mexican-origin adolescents and their parents. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development (L. Jensen & R. Larson, Eds.), pp. 13-34. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. full text
Weiner, M., & Cookston, J. T. (2012). Dinnertime rituals for children in married and divorced families: Explaining the link between divorce and academic motivation. Advances in Sociology Research, 10, 1-30. full text
Luther, K., Coltrane, S., Parke, R. D., Cookston, J. T., Adams, M. (2011). Youth risk behavior among Mexican origin adolescents: Cross generational differences. In S. S. Chuang & R. P. Moreno (Eds.), Immigrant Children: Change, Adaptation, and Cultural Transformation (pp. 99-124). Boulder, CO: Lexington. full text
Cookston, J. T., & Fung, W. (2011). The Kids? Turn program evaluation: Probing change within a community-based intervention for separating families. Family Court Review, 49(2), 348-363. full text
Leidy, M. S., Schofield, T. J., Miller, M. A., Parke, R. D., Coltrane, S., Braver, S. L., Cookston, J. T., Fabricius, W. I., Saenz, D., & Adams, M. (2011). Fathering and adolescent adjustment: Variations by family Structure and ethnic background. Fathering, 9(1), 44-68. full text
Lowi, A.*, Cookston, J. T., Juang, L. P., & Syed, M. (2011). Sociocultural adaptation of adolescent third culture kids: A Mixed-methods study of individual, familial, and social influences. In H. HÃ¥kansson (Ed.), Developmental psychology (pp. 79-115). Hauppauge, NJ: Nova Publishers. full text
Juang, L. P., & Cookston, J. T. (2009b). Acculturation, discrimination, and depressive symptoms among Chinese American adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Primary Prevention, 30(3-4), 475-496. full text
Juang, L. P., & Cookston, J. T. (2009a). A longitudinal study of family obligation among Chinese American adolescents: Links to depressive symptoms and family conflict. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(3), 396-404. full text
Schenck, C.E., Braver, S.L., Wolchik, S.A., Saenz, D., Cookston, J. T., & Fabricius, W.V. (2009). Relations between mattering to step- and non-residential fathers and adolescent mental health. Fathering, 7(1), 70 - 90. full text
Parke, R. D., Vega, E, Cookston, J. T., Perez, N., & Coltrane (2008). Imagining the future of immigrant fathers. In S.S. Chuang & R.P. Moreno (Eds.), On New Shores: UnderstandingImmigrant Fathers in North America, pp. 289 - 318. New York: Lexington Books. Full text
Sandler, I., Miles, J., Cookston, J. T., & Braver, S. L. (2008). Effects of father and mother parenting on children’s mental health in high- and low-conflict divorces. Family Court Review, 46(2), 282-296. Full text
Aceves, M. J., & Cookston, J. T. (2007). Violent victimization, aggression, and parent-adolescent relations: Quality parenting as a buffer for violently victimized youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 36(5). Full text
Cookston, J. T., Braver, S. L., Griffin, W., deLuse, S. R., & Miles, J. C. (2007). Effects of the Dads for Life intervention on interparental conflict and co-parenting in the two years after divorce. Family Processes, 46(1), 123-137. Full text
Cookston, J. T., Sandler, I. N., Braver, S. L., & Genalo, T. (2007). Predicting readiness to adopt evidence-based programs for divorcing families: Champions, attitudes, and access to funding. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(4), 573-581. full text
Cookston, J. T. & Finlay, A. K. (2006). Paternal involvement and adolescent adjustment: Longitudinal findings from Add Health. Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Father, 4(2), 137-158. Full text
Braver, S. L., Griffin, W. A., Cookston, J.T., Sandler, I. N., & Williams, J. (2005). Promoting better fathering among divorced non-resident fathers. In W. M. Pinsof & J. Lebow (Eds.), Family Psychology: The art of the science. Oxford University Press. Full text
Braver, S. L., Griffin, W. A., & Cookston, J. T (2005). Prevention programs for divorced nonresident fathers. Family Court Review, 43(1), 81-96. Full text
Cookston, J. T., Harrist, A.W., & Ainslie, R.A. (2003). Affliative and instrumental marital discord, mother’s negative affect, and children’s negative interactions with unfamiliar peers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 12(2), 185-200. Full text
Rew, L., Becker, H., Cookston, J., Khosropour, S., & Martinez, S. (2003). Measuring cultural awareness in nursing student. Journal of Nursing Education, 42(6), 249- 257. Full text
Braver, S. L., & Cookston, J. T. (2003). Controversies, clarifications, and consequences of divorce's legacy: Introduction to the Special Collection. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, 52(4), 314-317. Full text
Braver, S.L., Cookston, J. T., & Cohen, B.R. (2002). Experiences of family law attorneys regarding current issues in family law: Results of a survey conducted at a bar association conference. Family Relations, 51, 325-334. Full text
Cookston, J. T., Braver, S. L., Sandler, I., & Genalo, T. (2002). Prospects for expanded court-based services for children of divorce. Family Court Review, 40(2), 190-203. Full text
Becker, H., Cookston, J. T., & Kulberg, V. (2000). Mailed survey follow-ups: Are post-card reminders more cost-effective than second questionnaires? Western Journal of Nursing, 22(5), 642-246. Full text
Cookston, J. T. (1999). Parental supervision and family structure: Effects on adolescent problem behavior. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 32(1/2), 107-122. Full text
S. L. Braver & J. T. Cookston (Eds.) (2003). The legacy of divorce: Controversies, clarifications and consequences. Family Relations.