Brown Bag Meetings


First and third Monday of each month from 12 - 1 p.m. PST on Zoom.
Email Dr. Juliana Karras at if you would like to be added to the email list.


The purpose of the Brown Bag is to have a time for SFSU developmental students and faculty to meet and discuss research, how to apply to Ph.D. programs, and hear the results of current masters' theses. Guest speakers from developmental and other related fields are invited to present. This is a time to get to know one another and to make connections. These will be informal meetings so please feel free to bring a lunch!  Also, if you'd like to recommend a speaker, please contact Dr. Juliana Karras at

Spring 2025

2/3 Applying to Jobs Workshop

Christine Emuka, MA, Doctoral Student, Educational Psychology - Applied Developmental Science, IES Fellow, VEST Training Program, University of Virginia

Black women online: Examining the harms associated with online gendered racial discrimination

3/3 Applying to Jobs Workshop, Round Two
3/17 Jeff Cookston, PhD, Professor, Psychology, San Francisco State University       
4/7 No Meeting
4/21 MA Candidate Presentations
5/5 MA Candidate Presentations

Fall 2024

8/26 Fall orientation
9/2 No meeting - Labor Day
9/16 Applying to PhD Programs Workshop
10/7 Applying to PhD Programs Workshop, Round Two
10/21 Bernardette J. Pinetta, PhD, UCLA Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow

Danieli Mercado Ramos, Doctoral Student, Department of Psychology, Loyola University Chicago

Between Languages and Spaces: Bilingual Latinx Student Experiences in Predominantly White Institutions


Barbara Thelamour, PhD, Associate Professor, Psychology, Swarthmore College

Friendships as Acculturation in Black Immigrant-Origin Emerging Adults

12/2 Applying to Jobs Fall Workshop

Spring 2024


Michael R. Sladek, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Faculty Affiliate, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, The University of Oklahoma (OU)

The Resilience and Identity Study: Advancing a Strengths-Based Identity-Affirming Approach to Studying LGBTQ+ Young Adult Resilience

2/19 Applying to Jobs Workshop

Sukhmani Singh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Social Work and Affiliate Faculty of the Center on Community Safety, Policing and Inequality at the School of Law, University of Connecticut

Building Power with “Third Citizens:” Centering Critical Consciousness in Co-Transforming the Voter Engagement Model


Clinical and Counseling Career Pathways after MA in Developmental Psychology, a Conversation with:

Shannon Hackett, Ph.D., Licensed Counseling Psychologist


Allie Morford, PhD, Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow in Anxiety and OCD at Connect with Children's Hospital Colorado 

4/1 No meeting - Cesar Chavez Day
4/15 No meeting
4/29 MA candidate presentations
5/15 MA candidate presentations

Fall 2023

8/21 Fall orientation
9/4 No meeting - Labor Day
9/18 Applying to PhD Programs Workshop

Juliana Karras Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, San Francisco State University

Examining the Sociopolitical Development of Immigrant-Origin Youth During a Season of Social Unrest


Ursula Moffitt, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Wheaton College Massachusetts

Youth Development and Socialization in the Context of White Supremacy


Erika Y. Niwa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and the Children and Youth Studies Program, City University of New York’s Brooklyn College and Graduate Center


Kristina Arevalo, Doctoral Student, Developmental Psychology, The Graduate Center City University of New York

Unmasked: Asian Americans and the Double Pandemic

11/20 No meeting - Fall Recess
12/4 Melissa Hagan, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, San Francisco State University

Spring 2023


Christine Emuka, M.A., Graduate of Developmental Psychology Master's Program at San Francisco State University


Graciela Urias, B.A., Master's Candidate of Developmental Psychology Master's Program at San Francisco State University

3/6 Erika Y. Niwa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and the Children and Youth Studies Program, City University of New York’s Brooklyn College and Graduate Center
3/20 No meeting - Spring Recess

Kamilah Legette, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Denver

Implications of Teachers’ Cognitive Racial Bias on Students' Outcomes

4/17 Applying to Jobs Workshop

MA candidate presentations:

Brianna N. Hernandez, B.A., Shifting Between Worlds: Discrimination’s Role in Link Between Civic Engagement and Self-Worth

Felicity Ta, B.A., The Mediation of Self-Regulation on the Relationship Between Procrastination and Parenting Styles

Jasmine M. Gabb, B.A., Critical Consciousness Development: Defining the Role of Privilege and Allyship Among Immigrant-Origin Youth

Olivia Weinstein, B.A., Ambiguity Tolerance as a Predictor of Symptom Severity in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder


MA candidate presentations:

Victoria Chou, B.A., Longitudinal Associations between Parenting Behaviors and Familism among Mexican American Adolescents

Qudsia Khalid, B.A., Moderators of the Relationship Between Maternal Gatekeeping and Father Involvement: A Meta-Analysis

Valerie Astorga, B.A., International Service Learning in Higher Education: Reciprocal Nature of Benefits to All Stakeholders

Graciela Urias, B.A., Sense of Belonging and Self-Efficacy in Underrepresented Students in Computing

Fernanda Amaya, B.A., Resilience and Substance Use Among Adolescents With Chronic Health Conditions

Fall 2022

8/22 Fall orientation
9/6 No meeting - Labor Day
9/19 Applying to PhD Programs Workshop

Elena Maker Castro, Doctoral Candidate, Human Development & Psychology, UCLA

Examining the Bidirectional and Contextual Relationship between Critical Consciousness and Wellbeing among Minoritized Emerging Adults


Naila Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education, Youth and Social Innovation
University of Virginia, School of Education and Human Development

Embracing Race, Resisting Oppression: African American Parents as Experienced Guides for Navigating Racial Oppression


Kristia Wantchekon, Ph.D., Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow & Assistant Professor of Psychology, Georgetown University

Examining How a School-based Ethnic-racial Identity Intervention Informs Identity Development and Academic Engagement

11/21 No meeting - Fall Recess
12/5 Applying to PhD Programs Workshop, Part II

Spring 2022

2/7 A conversation with recent MA program graduates about career options in developmental psychology
Adriana Ruiz - Rehabilitation Specialist and PhD student
Bruna Mota - Research Analyst and Lecturer
Celeste Lopez - Research Associate
Wagner Peng - Lecturer
3/7 Amanda Harrist, PhD, Oklahoma State University
A Psychosocial Approach to Understanding Child Obesity: Results from a Longitudinal Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Norma Perez-Brena, PhD, Texas State University

Progress and gaps: A systematic review of the family demographics and family subsystems represented in top family science journals 2008–2018


MA candidate presentations:

Frances Lauten
The Impact of Affect on Help-Seeking in Students with Disordered Eating


MA candidate presentations:

Christine Emuka

Empathy through Identity: Examining the Influence of Bicultural Socialization Experiences on Social Competence among Black Immigrant-Origin Youth

Paula Fortune
Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Emotion Suppression: Effects on Relationships


MA candidate presentations:

Jordan Bendick
Mentorship in Computer Science Programs: Communication and Relationships Examined through Qualitative Mixed- Methods Design

Amee Recinos
Parenting, Time Perspective, and Academic Success Among College Students

Gabriela Quixtan

Fall 2021

8/23 Fall orientation
9/6 No meeting - Labor day
9/20 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., Psychology, SF State
Seeing and valuing others: Becoming aware of outgroup discrimination over time and within families
10/4 Molly McManus, Ph.D., Child and Adolescent Development, SF State
Is Social Emotional Learning the New Classroom Management in Early Education?
10/18 Farzana Saleem, PhD, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University
Examining Racial Discrimination, Racial Socialization, and Adolescent Adjustment with Attention to Context

Larissa Gaias, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts - Lowell

Incorporating an equity lens into the development, implementation, and evaluation of school-based social-emotional and mental health supports

11/15 Marjorine Castillo, doctoral candidate in Developmental Psychology, City University of New York
Acculturation Patterns Among Puerto Rican Youth in Two Contexts
12/6 TBD


Spring 2021

2/1 Welcome back for Spring 2021
Let's get in some breakout rooms and plan for this semester  

We will join the Institute for Human Developmental panel below at 12:10.

When Mattering Really Matters: A Panel Discussion on the Development of Meaning, Purpose, Contribution, and Social Inequities. Panelists: Andrew Fulligni (UCLA), Anthony Burrow (Cornell), Steven Roberts (Stanford)

3/15 Rachel M Flynn, PhD, Department of Child & Adolescent Development, San Francisco State University
Video Games as a Context for Cognitive Development
4/5 Guadalupe López Hernández, Doctoral Candidate, Human Development & Psychology, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
 “We Understand You Hate Us”: Latinx Immigrant-Origin Youth Coping with Social Exclusion in the Suburban Mid-West
4/19 Needs assessment with students to launch the development of a Developmental Psychology Graduate Student Handbook

MA candidate presentations:

Shaina Pilapil - Intergenerational Cultural Conflict Among Asian-American Families During COVID-19

Izabel Pisikyan - Links among mindful parenting, self-compassion, and anger & frustration in children


Maria Hernandez Ceja - Impact of COVID-19 on Mexican Parents' Stress and Their Children's Behavioral Challenges


Katherine Vavuris - Parenting in a COVID-19 World

Fall 2020

8/24 Welcome orientation to the Fall semester - remote addition!
8/31 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., & Willow Weibel, Psychology Department
Parenting in the Time of COVID-19
9/7 No meeting - Labor day

Adriana Ruiz, M.A.

Teaching Latinx Culture to Children on the Autism Spectrum

9/21 Celeste Lopez, M.A.
Emotion Knowledge And Theory Of Mind Among Chinese Preschoolers: A Curriculum-Based Approach
9/28 Wagner Peng, M.A.
The Role of Family Obligation and College Attendance on Chinese American Emerging Adulthood

Discussion of the Society for Research on Adolescence, August 6th, 2020 webinar: ‘Ask the Experts’: What Adolescents Need from Education Right Now with Laurence Steinberg and Nancy E. Hill

10/12 Looking for the right PhD program for you
A convesation among the faculty and students led by Dr. Karras-Jean Gilles
10/19 Discussion of the William T Grant Foundation virtual panel titled “Critical Race Perspectives on the Use of Research Evidence,” featuring Jamila Michener, Janelle Scott, and Fabienne Doucet
10/26 Juliana Karras-Jean Gilles, PhD, Psychology Department
Civic Implications of Social Inequality
11/2 Isabelle M. Elisha, Ph.D., Distinguished Lecturer and Associate Director, Psychology Programs, CUNY School of Professional Studies
Black Youth's Strategies for Addressing Inequity in their Communities
11/9 Jae Paik, PhD, Psychology Department
A systems approach to social-emotional learning
11/16 Applying the PhD programs - The statement of purpose and interview process
A convesation among the faculty and students
11/23 No meeting - Fall recess
11/30 Discussion of the SRCD webinar "Becoming an Ally and Co-Conspirator in Developmental Science"
12/7 Linda Juang, Ph.D., Professor of Inclusive Education, University of Potsdam
Studying ethnic-racial identity in a context where "race" is not recognized

Spring 2020 - a series of conversations about career and professional development

2/17 Rosalie Corona, PhD, Professor and Director of Clinical Training; Founding Director, VCU Latina/o Mental Health Clinic; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
3/2 Qing Zhou, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology & Director of Clinical Training; Director, Culture & Family Lab; Department of Psychology; University of California Berkeley
3/30 Manpreet Kaur, MA, Clinical implentation manager, Vida Health, Inc.
4/13 Alyssa Youngquist, MA, Behavior Analyst, Positive Pathways LLC

Allie Morford, MA, Clinical Psychology PhD candidate at Northwestern University

Chase Boyer, MA, Human Development PhD student at University of California Davis

Riley Chu, MA, PhD student at University of California at Berkeley

Fall 2019

9/16 We will watch the recent SRCD video titled Preparing Racial-Ethnic Minority Children for STEM Opportunities: Promoting Identity and Efficacy in Community Afterschool Programs
Location: EP 503
10/21 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Becoming aware of outgroup discrimination: Longitudinal prediction of awareness of unequal treatment based on race among White adolescents
Location: EP 503 
11/4 Kay Reed, Executive Director, Dibble Institute
The Dibble Institute - social enterprise in the psychology space
Location: EP 503
11/18 TBD
12/2 TBD
12/16 TBD

Spring 2019

2/4 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Research with children and families in large and complex datasets: Big Data or Big Dataset?
Location: EP 503

Bruna Mota and Wagner Peng, MA candidates

Family structure changes and eating behaviors among adolescents: Evidence from AddHealth

Location: EP 503

3/4 Marium Yusufzie, MA candidate
Bilingualism and Theory of Mind: Variation within Bilingual Preschoolers 
John Kilic, MA candidate
Differences Amongst Eastern Asian Children: Exploring Executive Function and Early Math Skills
Location: EP 503
4/8 Celeste Lopez, MA candidate
Emotion Knowledge in China: A Case for Social and Emotional Learning in the Preschool Classroom
Benjamin Safer, MA candidate
The Global Classroom: The Positive Effects of International Service-Learning on College Students’ Development
Location: EP 503
4/22 Jae Paik, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Psychology International Service-Learning: Supporting and Examining Chinese Preschoolers' Social-Emotional Competence
5/6  Inayah Baaqee, MA candidate
Speaking Truth to Empower (STEP4Youth): A Program for Youth

2017-2018 Calendar

8/23  Developmental Graduate Concentration Orientation
9/18 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., Psychology Department
That's how I know I¹m important: Perceived mattering during adolescence
10/2 Linda Platas, Ph.D., Child and Adolescent Development
Measuring early learning globally: Examining validity and reliability
Location LIB 121

Marla A. Ramírez, Ph.D., Sociology & Sexuality Studies

Transgenerational Illegality: The Mexican Repatriation Program & Banishment of U.S. Citizens
Location LIB 222

12/4 The Brown Bag was cancelled so students and faculty could attend the School psychology candidate job talk 
2/5 5:30pm special reception, screening and discussion of the documentary “The Voices of Children”
Location Knuth Hall, CA building 


2016-2017 Calendar

8/24  Developmental Graduate Concentration Orientation
9/19 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Putting the social construction in fatherhood research
10/3 Zena R. Mello, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Time Perspective in Adolescence: A Construct Matures
10/17 Developmental psychology faculty
Applying to graduate programs in developmental psychology: Planning your search and getting what you seek 

Marion LeClercq, Ph.D. student, University Charles de Gaulle Lille 3

Cognitive flexibility and strategy use during preschool years

11/7 Ting Siu, Ph.D., Program in Visual Impairments SFSU
Accessibility and Multimodal Strategies for Access to Information
12/5 Patricia Miller, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Changes in Developmental Theories Over the Past 30 Years
1/30 Developmental faculty
Interviewing for PhD programs in psychology

Valerie Francisco, Ph.D., Department of Sociology SFSU

Sukli: Interpreting Unevenness in the Exchange of Care Work and Emotional Strain in Filipino Transnational Families

2/20 Jae Paik, Ph.D., Psychology Department
Cultural and Parental Influences on Children’s Theory of Mind Understanding

Jennifer Daubenmier, Ph.D., Health Education, SFSU

Breathing, Tasting, and Savoring: Mindful Eating Approaches for Adults with Obesity and the Mediating Role of Interoceptive Awareness 


MA candidate presentations:

Jacquelyn Taylor Nelson - A Cross-Cultural Study of Parental Socialization of Theory of Mind

Caitlin Collins - The Cost of Materialism: Are Materalists Taking a Pay Cut?



MA candidate presentations:

Kenn Lacsamana Dela Cruz - Empathy in Chinese Children: Cognitive Skills Predicting Affective and Cognitive Empathy


Alexandra Sherman - Difficulty Regulating Emotion Predicts Depression and Anxiety in Chinese Adolescents: Mindfulness Moderates


Schedule for 2015-2016

Spring Term

2/1  Interviewing for Graduate Programs
2/15 Patricia H. Miller, Ph.D., Psychology Department, "Children as Mind Readers: Young Children's Social Cognition"
2/29 Andrea K. Finlay, Ph.D, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, "Justice-Involved Veterans and Health Care Services"
3/14 Amber Friesen, Ph.D., SFSU, Graduate School of Education, "Exploring the Impact of a Science-Based Curriculum for Preschool-aged Children, Including Those that are Deaf/Hard of Hearing"
3/28 Rescheduled to the fall semester

Alison Cerezo, Ph.D., SFSU, Department of Counseling, "Beyond Borders and Margins: Exploring Intersectional Oppression and Mental Health among LGBTQ+ communities of Color"





MA candidate presentations:

Riley Chu, "The Relations among Self-Compassion, Implicit Theories of Intelligence, and Mental Health among Chinese Adolescents"

Jessica Dow, "Supporting Chinese Preschools' Social and Emotional Development through a Technology-Integrated Program"

Alyssa Youngquist, "Bullying and Time Perspective among Adolescents"


MA candidate presentations:

Chase Boyer, "Mechanisms of Marital Violence Spillover into Dating Violence: Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood"

Manpreet Kaur, "Trepidation and Time: Anxiety and Perspectives toward the Past, the Present, and the Future"

Allie Morford, "Dear Mom of the Tantruming Toddler: Exploring Distress Tolerance across Parenthood"


Fall Term

8/24  Developmental Graduate Concentration Orientation
9/14 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., & Chase Boyer, MA Candidate, Psychology Department, "Deciding to Vaccinate a Child: Are Fathers Involved Enough?"
9/28 Jae Paik, Ph.D., Psychology Department, “Cultural Approach to Studying Early Mathematics Learning”
10/12 Applying to Doctoral Programs
10/26 Canceled
11/9  Melissa Hagan, Ph.D., Psychology Department, "Early Experiences Matter: The Biological and Psychological Embedding of Childhood Trauma"
11/30 Social Psychology Faculty Candidate
12/14 Zena R. Mello, Ph.D., & Alyssa L. Youngquist, M.A. Candidate, Psychology Department, "Time Perspective and Substance Use among Delinquent Adolescents"

 Schedule for 2014-2015

Aug 25 Welcome back
Sep 8 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D. - SF State Psychology
Title: Researching children and families through collaboration with students: 
A call to young scholars to consider secondary analysis of existing data  
Sep 22 Patricia Miller, Ph.D. - SF State Psychology
Title: Put your hands up!:  Gesture helps preschool children’s executive function
Oct 6 Zena Mello, Ph.D. - SF State Psychology
Title: Conceptualizing Time Perspective in Adolescence: Cross-Cultural Implications
Oct 20 Monika Buhl, Ph.D. - Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
Title:Profiles of Time Perspective Attitudes and Developmental Outcomes in German Adolescents
Nov 3 Allison Baroody, Ph.D. - SF State Child and Family Studies
Title:Examining the Contributions of Self-contained and Departmentalized Class Formats on Teaching Effectiveness and Student Achievement in Fourth and Fifth Grade
Nov 17 Jerome Clerc, Ph.D. - University of Lille Nord de France
Title: Studying, teaching, and doing research in Psychology: A look at the French system
Dec 15 Developmental faculty and students
Title:  Fall check-in:  How's your thesis work going?
Feb 2 Presenter Sarah Barber, PhD
Title: The positivity effect and perceptions of time with age
Feb 16 Jae Paik, Ph.D., Department of Pschology, SFSU
Title: The development of Theory of Mind and executive functioning of  preschoolers in China
Mar 2

Lauren M. Haack, Ph.D., UCSF and Sam Yelland

Title: Reducing Mental Health Disparities for Children with ADHD: Validation of the ADHD-FX Scale in a diverse clinical sample

Apr 20 Presenter Kayla Bowen, MA student in developmental psychology
Title: Food, Stress and Academic Motivtion among College Students
May 4 Presenter Lanie Anton, MA student in developmental psychology
Title: Autonomy, risk perception, and risk taking in emerging adulthood
May 18

Presenter Aly Sweet, MA student in developmental psychology

Title: Parent beliefs and children's vegetable consumption

Aug 25 Orientation
Sep 8 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D. - SF State Psychology

Title: Researching children and families through collaboration with students: 
A call to young scholars to consider secondary analysis of existing data  

Sep 22 Patricia Miller, Ph.D. - SF State Psychology

Title: Put your hands up!:  Gesture helps preschool children’s executive function

Oct 6 Zena Mello, Ph.D. - SF State Psychology

Title: Conceptualizing Time Perspective in Adolescence: Cross-Cultural Implications

Oct 20 Monika Buhl, Ph.D. - Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg

Title:Profiles of Time Perspective Attitudes and Developmental Outcomes in German Adolescents

Nov 3 Allison Baroody, Ph.D. - SF State Child and Family Studies

Title:Examining the Contributions of Self-contained and Departmentalized Class Formats on Teaching Effectiveness and Student Achievement in Fourth and Fifth Grade

Nov 17 Jerome Clerc, Ph.D. - University of Lille Nord de France

Title: Studying, teaching, and doing research in Psychology: A look at the French system

Dec 15 Developmental faculty and students

Title:  Fall check-in:  How's your thesis work going?

Schedule for 2013-2014

Sep 9 Patricia Miller, Ph.D. - SFSU Psychology

Title: Mind Control:  The Development of Executive Function

Sep 23 Jae Paik, Ph.D. - SFSU Psychology

Title: Executive Function and Social Cognitive Skills among American, Singaporean, and Chinese Preschoolers

Oct 7 Developmental Psychology faculty

Title: Applying to PhD programs without forgetting why you want to go to a PhD program:  Planning, perseverence, and pride 

Oct 21 Zena Mello, Ph.D. - SFSU Psychology

Title: Time perspective and health:  How does thinking about the past, the present, and the future predict food choices in diverse adolescents?

Nov 4 Jeff Cookston, Ph.D., & Kaitlyn Fladeboe - SFSU Psychology

Title:  Dual process latent growth curve modeling and mother- and father-child family processes: Explaining adolescent adjustment over time 

Feb 3

Jerome Clerc, Ph.D. - University of Lille Nord de France 

Title: Transfer of cognitive strategies in children

Feb 17 Developmental psychology faculty and graduate students
So you're going on a PhD program interview.  What should you prepare?
Mar 3

Gretchen George, PhD, RDN
SFSU Consumer and Family Studies / Dietetics 

Title: Current Community Research:  Childhood Obesity Reduction Through a Summer Camp Model

Apr 21

Fran Blumberg, PhD, Fordham University

Title: Children's and Adolescents' Learning from Video Games

May 5

Susan Mauskopf, MA student in developmental psychology

Title: Exploring the Relationship Between Bullying, Self-Compassion, and Depression

Kaitlyn Fladeboe, MA student in developmental psychology

Title: Examining Measurement Invariance and Change Over Time in Parenting Behaviors Through Adolescence

May 12

Yookyung Lee, MA student in developmental psychology

Title: The Interplay among Positive Fathering Behaviors of Mattering, Parent-Child Relationships, and Children's Adjustment


Stephanie ChenWu Gluck, MA student in developmental psychology

Title: Theory of mind development in Chinese preschool children: A closer examination of false belief and real-apparent emotion


Allison O'Leary, MA student in developmental psychology

Title: TBD

Schedule for Spring 2013

Feb 4 Pamela Wolfberg, Ph.D. - SFSU - Special Education

Title: Including Children with Autism in the Culture of Play with Peers: Integrated Play Groups Training, Research and Global Outreach Efforts

Feb 18 Developmental Psychology Faculty - SFSU

I'm accepted into a PhD program, now what?:  How to navigate and succeed in a doctoral program

Mar 4 Helen Parker - Restorative Practices Coach - San Francisco Unified School District

Title: An Introduction to Restorative Practices: Strengthening Communities, Building Relationships, Reducing Bullying

Apr 8 Developmental Psychology Faculty - SFSU

Getting the most out of professional conferences:  How to submit (so you get accepted), prepare (so you can relax when you arrive), and attend (so you can enjoy)

Apr 22

Danika Maddocks - SFSU

Impact of Classroom Context and Teacher Beliefs on Student Mindset for Math

Luke Remy - SFSU 

Integrated Exercise Groups:  A Physical Activity-Based Adaptation of Integrated Play Group

May 6 Allen LeBlanc - SFSU - Health Equity Institute Professor of Sociology
Minority Stress and Mental Heath among Same-Sex Couples
May 13 Candace Rhoads - SFSU
Put Your Hands Up:  Gestures and Executive Function in Preschool-Aged Children
Brea Kelsey - SFSU

Development of a Perceived Parental Favoritism Scale in Early Adulthood

Priscilla Miranda - SFSU

Ethnic Identity Development and Its Relationship to Humor

Schedule for Fall 2012

Date Presenter
Aug 27 Patricia Miller, Ph.D. - SFSU Psychology

Title: Sound body, sound mind:  Effects of exercise on children's executive function and academic achievement

Sep 17 Jeffrey Cookston, Ph. D., & Luke Remy - SFSU Psychology

Title: Who am I if we're not us? Divorce and identity across the lifespan

Oct 1 Carmen Gomez-Mandic & Charlotte Ferretti, PhD. - SFSU Edelman Institute

Title: Edelman Institute data as opportunities for student and faculty research

Oct 15 Amy Branner, Ph.D. - Director of Research and eEaluation for Coaching Corps, Oakland, CA 

Title: From theory to reality:  Opportunities and challenges in youth development evaluation

Oct 29 Developmental Psychology faculty

Title: So you're thinking about applying to a PhD program:  Tenacity, tricks, traps 

Nov 5 AnnMarie Baines, Ph.D. - SFSU - Secondary Education

Title: Disabled identities, educational positioning, and the damage to youth potential

Dec 3 Developmental Psychology job candidate in EP 304 from 12:00-1:30pm -- please attend
Dec 5 Developmental Psychology job candidate in EP 304 from 12:00-1:30pm -- please attend
Dec 10 Developmental Psychology job candidate in EP 304 from 12:00-1:30pm -- please attend
Dec 12 Developmental Psychology job candidate in EP 304 from 12:00-1:30pm -- please attend

Schedule for Spring 2012

Date Presenter
Feb 6 Planning your graduate work in developmental psychology at SFSU - A discussion with the concentration faculty
Feb 20 Gina O'Neill - MA - doctoral student at UC-Davis
My first semester in a doctoral program:  The good, the bad, and the ugly
Apr 2 Speaker and Title To be Determined
Apr 16 Trang Nguyen - SFSU graduate student
Cultural differences in factors associated with academic achievement
Toi Sin Arvidsson - SFSU graduate student
A cross-cultural study of interest, employment opportunities, and motivation among college students
Apr 23 Christina Peter, M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago (with Laurie Meschke, Ph.D., SFSU Child and Adolescent Development)
Hmong American Parents' Views on Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health
May 7 David Anderson, Ph.D., Kinesiology - SFSU
Why do infants plunge over drop-offs when they start to crawl?

Schedule for Fall 2011

Date Presenter
Aug 29 Jeffrey Cookston, Ph.D., Psychology - SFSU
Title: Your Brain, Yourself!  Formative evaluation results from an elementary school intervention to change beliefs about ability
Sep 19 Jae Paik, Ph.D., Psychology - SFSU
Title - Early childhood mathematical development: What can we take away from cross-cultural studies?
Oct 3 Sarah Holley, Ph.D., Psychology - SFSU
Title - Can't we finally all just get along?  A look at marital conflict behaviors in later life stages
Oct 10 Developmental psychology faculty
Tips and tricks and traps in writing the personal statement to PhD programs: How to catch the right program and avoid snares
Oct 17 Scot Schumacher, graduate student, Psychology - SFSU
Title - Multilingualism, language dissimilarity, and inhibitory control
Nov 7 Patricia Miller, Ph.D., Psychology - SFSU
Title - Children's, wait, it's, wait, it's executive function

Schedule for Spring 2011

Date Presenter
April 11

Derek Levine, M. A.
Threat simulations in earliest recalled, most important, and recent dreams

We also discussed the 2011 conference for the Society for Research in Child Development where SFSU faculty and alumni will present

April 25 Karyn Riel, M.A.
Title: Coming soon

May 9


Mario Aceves, Ph.D. - Clinical Research Associate/Lecturer
Penumbra Inc./San Francisco State University
Title: Perceptions of teachers? actions during conflicts: Evidence of a protective role for ethnic minority adolescents attending high conflict schools
May 16

MA thesis conference-style presentations

Bao Ho - Being Asian, Being American in Emerging Adulthood: Culture, Obligation, and Family Context


Garrett Jaeger - Motivational Sustainability of Thought Patterns During Play Processes


Gabrielle Lai - A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Preschoolers's Conventional and Non-Conventional Mathematical Competencies


Gina O?Neill - Gestures and Executive Function Development in Preschool Children


Ruchita Patel - The Effects of Concrete Models on Mathematics


Schedule for Fall 2010

Date Presenter
September 13 Jeffrey Cookston, Ph.D., Psychology - SFSU
Title: He said what?  Guided cognitive reframing, the father-adolescent relationship, and concurrent adjustment
September 27 Patricia Miller, Ph.D., Psychology - SFSU
Title: Sound body, sound mind:  Effects of exercise on children's cognition
Oct 11

Jae Paik, Ph.D., Psychology - SFSU

Title: Cultural influences on early childhood mathematical development

Oct 25 Tips for applying to Doctoral programs in Developmental Psychology
Nov 1

Henny Bos, Ph.D., Education - University of Amsterdam
Title: The US National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study



Nov 15

Tracy Farstad, Director, SFSU Children's Campus

Title: A day in  the life of a Child Care Director

Dec 6 Speaker To be determined

Schedule for Spring 2010

Date Presenter
April 5

Christine Earle
Gender-Role Development and an Adult Marker of Prenatal Testosterone

Jason Poyner
Music Preferences and Personality: An Exploration Beyond Music Genre

April 12

Sarah Brunskill

Evaluations of Change: Differences Between Partners of How Father Needs to Change



Charlie Leer

Virginity Loss and Partner Selection in Young Adulthood

April 19

Hoan Luong

Giving Children a Prefrontal Cortex: Using Environmental Stimulus to Supplant Existing Interference


Kammy Kwok

U.S. and Korean Teachers Use of Concrete Manipulatives to Teach Fractions

April 26

Adria Banihashemi
The Relationship Between Parental Divorce, Family Context, and Obesity Risk in Bay Area Families

Michelle Weiner

Dinnertime Rituals: A protective factor for Children Experiencing Separation or Divorce


May 3

Sarah Dovi

Play and Imitation among Children with Autism



Wenson Fung
San Francisco Sate University
The Influence of Father Support on Maternal Parenting Stress and Behavior Among Adolescent Mothers

May 10

Derek Levine

Testing the Threat Simulation Theory with Preschool Children


Garrett Jaeger

Motivational Sustainability of Play Processes

Schedule for Spring 2009

Date Presenter
February 2

Charlotte Ferretti  and the Gateway to Quality team

San Francisco State University
San Francisco ECE Harms Scale Data results and analysis - Useful data for researchers

February 9 Susan Courey, Ph.D.
Department of Education - San Francisco State University
Understanding Basic Fraction Concepts through Music: Research to Practice
February 16 Carolyn Peterson, M.A.
San Francisco State University
February 23 Developmental Social Gathering
March 2 Aubrei McGinn, M.A.
San Francisco State University
March 9 Michael Hays and Manuel Gonzales
San Francisco State University
March 16

Jae Paik, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology - San Francisco State University

Do U.S., Korean and Taiwanese children benefit from the brief exposure to transparent fraction names?

March 23 No meeting - Spring Break
March 30 Developmental Social Gathering
April 6 Developmental Social Gathering
April 13

Amber Lowi, M.A.
San Francisco State University

Sociocultural adjustment and family context among Third-Culture Kids

April 20

Sacha Bunge, Ph.D.

San Francisco Sate University

April 27 Thomas Schofield, Ph.D.
Department of Human and Community
Development and Family Research Group
University of California at Davis
Correlates of father involvement in intact-and step- families across two ethnic groups

Schedule for Fall 2008

Date Presenter
September 15 Jae H. Paik, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Title: Language, Culture, and Conceptual Developmental: What Can We Learn from Cross-Cultural Comparisons?
October 6 Jeffrey Cookston, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Title: Marital Dissolution Processes among Diverse Families: Navigating the Lack of Data
October 20 Rita Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Title: Latino Youth's High School Adjustment: The Risk and Protective Factors of Perceived Discrimination and Ethnic Identity
November 3 Ezequiel Morsella, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Title: New Findings from the Action and Consciousness Laboratory
November 17 Developmental Social Gathering
December 1 Ryan T. Howell, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Title: The Science of Happiness: How Income, Shopping, and the Financial Meltdown Affect our Well-being?
December 15

Moin Syed, Doctoral Student

Psychology - UC Santa Cruz

Title: TBA

Schedule for Spring 2008

Date Presenter
February 18 Amy Smith, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Title: Not "Waiving" but Drowning: The phenomenon of "Volunteering" for Execution
February 25 Amanda Johnson, Policy Analyst
San Francisco Unified School District
Title: In San Francisco's School Choice System, What Are Parents Really Choosing?
March 3 Susan Courey, Ph.D.
College of Education - SFSU
Title: Academic Music: Understanding Basic Fraction Concepts Through Music Notation
March 10 Jane McClure, Licensed Educational Psychologist
McClure, Mallory & Baron Educational Counseling and Planning
Title: TBA
March 17 Devon McCabe, MA
Title: TBA
March 24 Spring Recess
March 31 Cesar Chavez Day
April 7 Former and Current MA students
Title: Tips for applying to Doctoral programs in Developmental Psychology
April 14 Julie Law, Ph.D.
Child & Adolescent Development Program - SFSU
Title TBA
April 21 Sarah Wu, MA
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Stanford University School of Medicine
Title: To be determined
April 28 David Anderson, Ph.D.
Kinesiology - SFSU
May 5 Diane Harris, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU

Schedule for Fall 2007

Date Presenter
September 3 Labor Day - No meeting
September 10 Jae Paik, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Bridging the Gap between Developmental Research and Math Education
September 17 Sacha Bunge, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Adult attachment status and quality of parenting
September 24 Linda Juang, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Parents and Adolescents Acculturation Among Chinese Immigrant Families
October 1 Jeffrey Cookston, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Three things I do well as a dad and three things I need to change: Narrative results from the Parents and Youth Study
October 8 Marci Hanson, Ph.D.
College of Education - SFSU
Children's School Success Project: Preventing School Failure
October 15 Ryan Howell, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
A Meta-Analysis of the Income-SWB Relation Among Impoverished Samples Across the Globe
October 22 Ezequiel Morsella, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
October 29 Priya Shimpi, Ph.D. - Post Doctorate Fellow
Psychology - UC Santa Cruz
November 5 David Gard, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Workshop: Writing Personal Statement for PhD Programs in Developmental Psychology and Related Areas
November 12 Veterans Day - No Meeting
November 19 Thanksgiving Recess - No Meeting
November 26 Mark Geisler, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
December 3 Avi Ben-Zeev, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU

Schedule for Spring 2007

Date Presenter
January 29 Sarah Wu, M.A.
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford Math Project: A Developmental Neuroscience Study
February 5

Jamal Cooks, Ph.D.
Secondary Education - SFSU

The Achievement Gap: Is it Closing, Widening, or Staying Still?

February 12 Grace Yoo, Ph.D.
Asian American Studies - SFSU
Breast cancer, social support and racially/ethnically diverse communities
February 19 Avi Ben-Zeev, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Behind-the-Scenes: An Introspection on Generating Re- and Me- Search
February 26 Violet Cheung, Ph.D. candidate
Developmental Psychology, Berkeley
Ability to delay gratification and strategic planning: A longitudinal study
March 5

Diane Harris, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU

Trajectories leading to overweight in multi-generational familes of African ancestry

March 19 Julie Law, Ph.D.
Child and Adolescent Development - SFSU
Reflective Supervision: Mentoring Teachers on Awareness of Social Emotional Development
April 2

Richard Harvey, Ph.D.
Department of Health Education - SFSU

Vectors of Vulnerability in Adolescent Tobacco Use / part 2

April 9 Spring Break -- no brown bag
April 16 Russell Jeung, Ph.D.
Asian American Studies - SFSU
Religion and Resilience: The Effects of Congregational Participation on the Educational Attainment of Low-Income Asian Americans
April 30

Ryan Kelly and Norma Perez-Brena

Tips for applying to Doctoral programs in Developmental Psychology

May 7

Qing Zhou. Ph.D.
Department of Psychology - UC-BerkeleyRelations of Parenting and Temperament to Chinese Children’s Behavior Problems

also, at 10am in McKenna Hall (CA 129), Joe White, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology emeritus - UC-Irvine

May 14 Shinchieh (CJ) Duh - Developmental Masters student
Department of Psychology, SFSU
Transparency of Fraction Names and Children’s Fraction Comprehension

Schedule for Fall 2006

Date Presenter
September 4 Labor Day - No meeting
September 11 Jeffrey Cookston, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Marital dissolution processes among Chinese and Mexican-American families:  A proposed social buffering developmental study
September 18 Sacha Bunge, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
The study of attachment relationships: Challenges of a qualitative approach
September 25 Brenden Elwood
Psychology - SFSU
Getting a grip on infant handing:  Carrying an infant facing forward may affect early social development
October 2 Chris Reilly
Mating preferences of men across the lifespan
October 9 Jae Paik, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Elementary students learning fraction concepts - A complex system of mappings
October 16 Kate Hellenga, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Evaluating juvenile justice policy and practice effects: Qualitative and quantitative approaches
October 23

Linda Juang, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
with Jennifer Arter (UC-Berkeley) and Katherine Herold (UC-Santa Cruz)

Types of Internet Use among Early Adolescents: Links to Social Anxiety, Loneliness, and Family Cohesion

October 30 No meeting
November 6

Patricia Jennings, Ph.D.
Garrison Institute - Program Director of Contemplation and Education

Cultivating emotional balance in the classroom

November 13 Norma Perez-Brena
Peer discouragement and academic coping of Latino first generation college students
Talk originally presented at the National Latina/o Psychological Association under the author list Delia Gutierez, Norma J Perez-Brena, Cidhinnia Torres Campos, Jean Phinney
November 20 Thanksgiving break - No meeting
December 4 Everyone attend job talk in EP 302
December 11 Everyone attend job talk in EP 302

Schedule for Spring 2006

Date Presenter
January 30 All Developmental faculty - Bunge, Cookston, Juang, Spencer
Welcome back -- planning for spring
February 6 Roger Mills, Ph.D.
President, Health Realization Institute
Center for Sustainable Change
Releasing the Power of Health; Innate resilience and the capacity for change
February 13 David Mohr, Ph.D
UCSF Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology
Stress, Depression and Multiple Sclerosis
February 20 Moin Syed, M.A.
Doctoral candidate - UC-Santa Cruz
Exploring the links between personal identity and social identity: The sample case of ethnic identity
February 27 Linda Juang, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Studying adolescents in their cultural contexts
March 6 Devon McCabe, M.A.
Maternal Affect, Emotion Regulation and Parenting Styles: Associations with Preschool Emotion, Emotion Regulation and Behavior
March 13 Brian de Vries, Ph.D.
Gerontology Program - SFSU
The Role of Friendship in Later Life
March 20 Kyra Bobinet, M.D.
Founder, Vision Youthz
Universal human life stages and inner-city thugs
March 27 Ethan Remmel, Ph.D.
Western Washington University
Social cognition in children with cochlear implants and children with typical hearing
April 3 Spring Break - No Brown Bag
April 10 Cherrie Boyer, Ph.D.
UCSF Department of Pediatrics
Preventing STDs in Adolescents and Young Adults Using Two Intervention Strategies
April 17

Neesha Patel, Ph.D.
Counseling Department

Race-related and gender-related stress in the lives of Asian American female college students

April 24

Jennifer Arter, Jennifer Becnel, Andrea Finlay, Joelle LeMoult 

Tips for applying to Doctoral programs in Developmental Psychology

May 1

Andrea Finlay

Ethnicity as a moderator of civic behaviors among adolescents and emerging adults

May 8

Jennifer Becnel

Relationships among sociodemographic factors,

IMB mode constructs, and sexual risk factors in female military recruits

Pubertal timing and risk behaviors:

Parental and Peer influences as mediators

May 15 Mario Aceves
Doctoral candidate - UC-Berkeley
The Development of Stigmatizing Attitudes Towards People with Mental Illness

Schedule for Fall 2005

Date Presenter
August 29 Jeffrey Cookston, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Predicting risk among divorced families - Results from the Dads for Life Preventive Intervention
September 5 Labor Day - No meeting
September 12 Tom Spencer, PhD
Psychology - SFSU
Teaching undergraduate students
September 19

Rakia Bolds
COR Student - SFSU Department of Psychology

The Acceptance of Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV in Pregnant Women in Ghana where Antiviral Medication is Available

September 26 Jennifer Arter
Psychology - SFSU
Self-Reported Attachment and Feelings About Children
October 3 David Gard, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia Across the Lifespan: Emotion, Anticipation, and Enjoyment
October 10

David Matsumoto, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU

Culture, Development, and the Development of Culture

October 17

Julianna Deardorff, PhD

UCSF Health Psychology Program

Early puberty, stress, and related outcomes

October 24 Kristin Hunt
Honors Student - SFSU Department of Psychology
October 31

Scott de Guzman
SFSU Developmental Psychology Graduate StudentCo-Parenting and Play Behaviors During Triadic Family Interactions: Findings from the Family Interaction Project

Jeff Cookston, Ph.D.
Psychology - SFSU
Imagining the Future of Immigrant Fathers from a talk prepared with Ross Parke

November 7 Sacha Bunge, PhD
Psychology - SFSU
Qualitative analyses of parent-child interaction
November 14 Marina Abalakina, PhD
Psychology - SFSU
Reverence toward mother in Ecuador and in the United States
November 21 Terry Gutkin
Counseling  - SFSU
Public Health Approaches to Mental Health Services in Schools: A Rationale and Some Empirically Supported Interventions
November 28 No meeting
December 5

Katherine J. Conger, PhD

Department of Human & Community Development

University of California at Davis
Older Sibling Contributions to the Delinquency of Younger Brothers and Sisters

Schedule for Spring 2005

Date Presenter
February 7 Claire Barnes
Kids' Turn, A Leader in Educational
Programs for Divorcing Families
February 14 Sacha Bunge, Jeffrey Cookston, Linda Juang, & Tom Spencer
Submitting research for presentation at a conference:  Demystifying the process
February 21 Katherine Herold, Moin Syed, & Sarah Wu
Tips for applying to Doctoral programs in Developmental Psychology
February 28 David Heubner
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies - UCSF
Preventing Risk Behaviors in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adolescents
March 7 Mike Disch
Department of Psychology - UC-Berkeley
Perception of Object Velocity
March 14

David Anderson
Kinesiology - San Francisco State University

The significance of visual proprioception in motor and psychological development

March 21 No meeting - Spring Break
March 28 Chandra Ghosh Ippen
Child Trauma Research Project - UCSF
Examining the efficacy of Child-Parent Psychotherapy: A dyadic attachment based treatment for young children exposed to trauma
April 4 Laurie Meschke
Child and Adolescent Development Program - SFSU
Hmong Adolescent Pregnancy:  Action Research Exemplified
April 11 David Funder
Psychology - University of California, Riverside
A social psychological approach to personality judgment:  How to judge personality accurately
April 18 Annette N'Cho
SFSU Developmental Psychology MA candidate
Motivation to Succeed: An Evaluation of 4-D Stars Academic Sports Academy
April 25 Jennifer Arter
SFSU Developmental Psychology MA candidate
Non-Parents? Ideas about Parenting: The Influence of Attachment Security
May 2 Kate Herold
SFSU Developmental Psychology MA candidate
Which is more important for theory of mind development: Language or social interaction?
May 9 Amber Wingfield
SFSU Developmental Psychology MA candidate
The relationships between parenting, self-esteem, and depression:Voice as a mediator
May 16 Sarah Wu
SFSU Developmental Psychology MA candidate
Title TBA

Schedule for Fall 2004

Date Presenter

August 30


Tom Spencer, Peter Morse, & Moin Syed
Psychology - SFSU
Undergraduate teaching experience and graduate education:  Learning as teachers
September 6
Labor Day, No Brown Bag Meeting

September 13


Jeffrey Cookston
Psychology - SFSU
Coparenting during triadic play:  Results from the Family Interaction Project

September 20


Linda Juang
Psychology - SFSU
Mental health and Asian American youth

September 27


Sacha Bunge
Psychology - SFSU
Intergenerational cycles of abuse:  The role of attachment relationships

October 4


Kelly Werner
Clinical graduate student - UC-Berkeley
Neural correlates of empathy

October 11


Judy Chu
Lecturer - Stanford - Human Biology
Learning What Boys Know: Reconsidering Boys' Development Through a Relational Framework

October 18


Rosa Casarez-Levison
Secondary Education - SFSU
Trauma and Learning: Implications for poor and ethnic minority populations - particularly Latino populations
October 25
Speaker TBA

November 1


Amy Smith
Psychology - SFSU
All roads lead to death: social histories, social context, and the death penalty

November 8


Rebecca Toporek
Counseling - SFSU
Title TBA

November 15


Pamela Wolfberg
Special Education - SFSU
Peer Play and the Autism Spectrum: Blending Theory, Research and Meaningful Practice

November 22


Terry Gutkin
Counseling  - SFSU
No Child Left Behind: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

November 29


Jessica Fields
Sociology - SFSU
Youth Sexuality Educators and the Conflicting Social Roles of Peer and Teacher
December 6  Rita Melendez
Human Sexuality - SFSU
HIV Issues among Male-to-Female Transgenders

Earlier presentations:

September 17, 2001 - Linda Juang, Psychology - SFSU - Minority Youth in Different Contexts
September 16, 2002 - Jeff Cookston, Psychology - SFSU - Parenting post-divorce and children’s adjustment: Using interactions in linear regression
September 30, 2002 - Linda Juang, Psychology - SFSU - Asian American Adolescents in Different Contexts
September 8, 2003 - Jeff Cookston, Psychology - SFSU - Using adolescents' narratives about their fathers to explain how they answer the question, ‘Am I important to my dad?’
September 15, 2003 - Linda Juang, Psychology - SFSU - Research with Adolescent Immigrant Families: The Chopsticks and Forks Project