Developmental Psychology MA Student Theses




Amaya, F.
Health Status and Relationship Closeness: Associations Among Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions

Gorman, K.
Parent Accounts of COVID-19 and the M(ai)cro Environment: Links to Decision-Making and Coparenting 

Wright, S.
Anti-LGBTQ+ Statewide Legislation, Family Systems, and the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Youth

Yow, J.
Exploring Social Threat: Linking Rejection Sensitivity to Attachment Patterns and Conflict Behavior


Chou, V.
Longitudinal Associations between Parenting Behaviors and Familism among Mexican American Adolescents

Gabb, J. M.
Critical Consciousness Development: Defining the Role of Privilege and Allyship Among Immigrant-Origin Youth

Kilic, C.
Executive Function and Early Math Skills: Differences among U.S., Chinese, Singaporean Children

Kowitz, D. 
Promoting Egalitarian Gender Role Attitudes among College Cisgender Men

Ta, F.
The Mediation of Self-Regulation on the Relationship between Procrastination and Parenting Styles

Weinstein, O.
Ambiguity Tolerance as a Predictor of Symptom Severity in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients 


Emuka, C.
Bicultural Socialization Experiences and Social Competence among Black Immigrant-Origin Youth

Fortune, P.
Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Emotion Suppression: Effects on Relationships

Lauten, F.
The Impact of Affect in Students with Disordered Eating

Recinos, A
Time Perspective as Mediator of the Relationship Between Parenting and Academic Success Among Emerging Adults

Resende, F.
Parent-Child Relationships and Family Routines Among Brazilian Families in both Brazil and the United States During the Covid -19 Pandemic 


Intergenerational Cultural Conflict and Acculturation Gap Within Asian American Families during COVID-19

Pisikyan, I. 
Mindful Parenting and the Regulation of Anger and Frustration Among Five- to Eight-Year-Old Children: The Additive Effects of Parental Self-Compassion

Vavuris, K.
COVID-19 Trauma, Parenting Behavior, and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Thirteen to Seventeen-Year-Old Adolescents 


Baaqee, I.
Techniques for Effective Leadership: An Examination of Management Style and Workplace Satisfaction

Lopez, C.
Emotion Knowledge And Theory Of Mind Among Chinese Preschoolers: A Curriculum-Based Approach

Lara, J.
Psychophysiological and Self-Reported stress: Effects of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Mota, B.
Wellbeing of Siblings of Children Diagnosed with Cancer  

Peng, W.
Achieving Adulthood: Associations between Family Obligation and Emerging Adulthood among Chinese Americans

Ruiz, A.
Teaching Latinx Culture to Children on the Autism Spectrum

Safer, B.
The Positive Impacts of International Service Learning on College-Aged Students’ Development


Yusufzie, M.
Bilingualism and Theory of Mind: Variation within Bilingual Preschoolers


Andazola, G.
Changing Attitudes About Discipline: An Intervention for Reducing Pre-Parents’ Favorable Attitudes Toward Spanking


Collins, C. 

The Cost of Materialism: Are Materalists Taking a Pay Cut?


Dela Cruz, K. L. 
Cognitive Skills Predicting Empathy in Chinese Children


Miranda, P.
Ethnic identity development and its relationship to humor


Nelson, J. T.
A cross-cultural study of parental socialization of theory of mind


Sherman, A.

Difficulty regulating emotion predicts depression and anxiety in Chinese adolescents: Mindfulness moderates


Boyer, C. J.
Intergenerational spillover of family conflict from adolescence to young adulthood

Chu, R.

The relations among self-compassion, implicit theories of intelligence, and mental Hhealth among Chinese Adolescents

Dow, J.
Supporting Chinese preschools' social and emotional development through a technology-integrated program


Kaur, M.

Trepidation and time: Anxiety and perspectives towards the past, the present, and the future among adolescents 


Morford, A.

Moderators of parental distress tolerance across developmental stages: A cross sectional study

Youngquist, A.
Bullying, time perspective, and psychological outcomes among adolescents


Anton, L.
Risk perception predicting risk taking behavior in adolescents

Bowen, K.
Risk behaviors of binge eating adolescents/emerging adults its relationship with academic motivation

Sweet, A.
Minimal Intervention to Assist Resilient Parent Feeding Behavior


ChenWu Gluck, S.

Theory of mind development in Chinese preschool children: A closer examination of false belief and real-apparent emotion

Fladeboe, K.
Examining change over time in parenting behaviors across adolescence and into emerging adulthood   

Lee, Y.
Fathering Behaviors of Mattering, Parent-Adolescent Relationships, and Adolescents’ Adjustment: Trends across Time

Mauskopf, S.
Self-Compassion, Bullying, And Psychological Functioning 

Mohajer, M. 
Don’t Hate Me Because You Think I’m Beautiful: The Impact of Body Image and Self-Esteem on Relational Aggression

O'Leary, A.

Parentification and Psychological Well-Being: The Role Of Cultural Values And Perceived Unfairness  Aggression


Rhoads, C.
Put your hands up!: Gestures and Executive Function.


Schwab, R.

Aerobic Exercise Intervention Improves Executive Function in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)



Maddocks, D.
Class mindset:  A new model of student motivation in context

Peters, P.
Advocacy, Social Support, Service Use, And Stress Among Parents Of Children With Autism

Remy, L.
Integrated Exercise Groups: A Physical Activity Based Adaptation Of Integrated Play Groups


Arvidsson, T. S.
A Cross-Cultural Study of Interest, Employment Opportunities, and Motivation Among College Students

Nguyen, T. T.
Cultural Differences in Factors Associated with Academic Achievement

Thairani, P. V.
Cultural Orientation and Self Esteem as Predictors of Helping Attitudes

Schumacher, S.
Multilingualism, language dissimilarity, and inhibitory control


Ho, Q. B.                   

Being Asian, being American in emerging adulthood: Culture, obligation, and family context 

Jaegar, G.                   

Motivational sustainability of thought patterns during play processes

Lai, G.                        

A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Preschool Performance on Formal and Informal Mathematical Competencies

Levine, D.                  

Threat simulations in earliest recalled, most important, and recent dreams

Luong, H.                

Giving children a prefrontal cortex

O'Neil, G.                  

Gestures and executive function development in preschool children

Patel, R.

The Effects of Concrete Models on Mathematical Learning 



Banihashemi, A.         

The relationship between parental divorce, family context, and obesity risk among children.    

Brunskill, S.                

Evaluations of change: Differences between partners of how father needs to change.

Dovi, S.

Play and imitation among children with autism.

Earle, C.

Gender-role development and an adult marker of prenatal testosterone.

Fung, W.

Influence of father support on parenting stress and behavior among adolescent mothers.

Gould, K.

Visual arts education and reading comprehension achievement among fifth graders.

Kwok, K.

U.S. and Korean teachers? use of concrete manipulatives to teach fractions.

Leer, C.

Virginity loss and partner selection in young adulthood.

Poyner, J.

Music preferences and personality: An exploration beyond music genre.

Riel, K.   

School demographics and school performance: Relations to ethnic identity and school choice.

Weiner, M.

The importance of dinnertime rituals for children in married or divorced families.



Adams, H.

Academic performance during emerging adulthood: Roles of ethnic identity and parental attachment.

Chandra, R.

Academic achievement during emerging adulthood: Roles of ethnic identity and romantic relationships.

Gonzalez, M.

Cross-cultural differences in general preschool teaching styles and math instruction.

Hackett, S.         

Child's age at time of parental divorce and adjustment: A meta-analysis.

Hayes, M.

Cross-cultural differences in preschoolers? mathematical achievement.        

Lowi, A.   

Individual, familial, and societal factors that influence the sociocultural adaptation of third culture kids.

Motter, A.

Young children's misconceptions of fraction concepts: An error analysis.

Rodriguez-Larrain, A.

Attitudes toward interracial parenting: The role of stereotypes in perceived parenting.



McGinn, A.

Sociocultural adaptation of adolescent third culture kids: Influence of individual, familial and societal factors.

Peterson, C.

Self-disclosure to parents, self construal, parent-child-relationships and college adjustment: A U.S.-Thai study

Soohoo, T.

Preschoolers? peer group entry behaviors: Sociometric status and  temperament.



Almaraz, M.

Linguistic match in early care and education classrooms.

Bowditch, S.

Language brokering in the Chinese American community: Affective consequences and generational effects.

Chishty, E.      

Perfectionism among Pakistani college students.

de Guzman, S.

Maternal and paternal attachment and adjustment during the transition into college: A cross-sectional examination.

Duh, S.

Transparency of fraction names and fraction comprehension: A multinational comparison.

Foster, A.

Stress, coping, social support, and adjustment during the first year college transition.

Gipson, A.

Disclosure guidelines: A critical element in diagnosing developmental disabilities.

Hirt, M.

Age-related changes in a music-related learning task: EEG effects.

(joint degree awarded by physiological program)

Johnson, E.

Children?s fraction comprehension: Cross-national comparisons in France, the U.S., and Korea.

Kelly, R.

Parental and peer influences on alcohol use in emerging adulthood.

Martikan, C.               

Teasing, body image dissatisfaction, self-esteem, depression, and anxiety in adult females.

Moyer, A.

Adoption, identity, and emerging adulthood: A qualitative study.

Perez-Brena, N.

Gender ideology and parenting: ?What do I do best as a father??

Peter, C.

Femininity, sexual subjectivity, and partner influence: Relations to women?s sexual risk behaviors.

Wu, S.

Prenatal maternal emotions: Infant outcomes.



Becnel, J.

Pubertal timing and risk behaviors: Parental and peer influences as  mediators.

Bonn, G.

Attachment working models and self understanding: Relationships reflected in the self.

Delaney, M.

Motivation and political participation in emerging adulthood.

Elwood, B.

Getting a grip on carrying infants.

Finlay, A.

Engaging in civic behaviors: Demographic, family, and community factors.

Lemoult, J.

Ethnic differences in the stigmatization of the mentally ill.

Reilly, C.

Mating preference of men across the lifespan.

Wingfield, A.

The relations between parenting, self-esteem, and depression: Voice as a mediator.



Acar, M.

Perceived family environment and self-efficacy beliefs among Turkish and American college students.

Arter, J.

Non-parents? ideas about parenting: The influence of attachment security.

Baty, L.

Positive body images in media.

Herold, K.

The relationship between language development, social interaction and theory of mind.

Lin, Y.

A cross-cultural comparison of adolescent-parent attachment styles and outcomes.

McCabe, D.

Maternal affect, emotion regulation and parenting styles: Associations with preschool emotion, emotion regulation and behavior.

Ncho-Oguie, A.

Motivation to succeed: An evaluation of 4-D Stars Academic Sports Academy.

Park, J.

Parental attachment, separation-individuation and eating disorders among college women.

Syed, M.

Birth order and personality: A methodological study.

Wolfson, W.

Religiosity and attitudes toward assisted reproductive technologies among individuals facing infertility.



Gremillion, L. 

Moral development: Children with emotional and behavioral difficulties.



Gordon, C

College students? internet use.

Ivanov, S.

Parenting styles and adolescent behavior in Yugoslavia and the United States.

Nagy, R.

Verbal metacommunication and social skills in preschool children.

Williams, J.

Parenting styles and adolescent friendship.



Burlingame, J.
Emotional self-regulation and social competence in preschool children. 

Cheung, V.
Acculturation theory in a colonial context: A bidimensional model and adaptiveness of strategies.  

Levene, G.
Juvenile diversion and delinquent history: Is there a link?

Nagy, R.
Verbal metacommunication and social skills in preschool children. 

Smith, J.
Women’s’ attitudes and expectations toward parenting: Secure versus insecure attachment. 

Thomson, B.
Wisdom and core values: An exploratory study. 


Hillard, J.
Social support and motivation in adults with diabetes mellitus.

Lynch, T.
Labeling: Do labels influence infants’ expectations of object numerosity?

Miller, R.
Sex differences in preschoolers’ use of functional and cooperative play. 

Pruden, S.
Object individuation in infancy.

Renteria, J.
Theory of mind in autistic children: Using a photographic false belief test.

Wing, H.
The relationship between parent-adolescent communication and adolescent risk-taking.


Cummings, A.
Social influence strategies and gender segregation among preschool children. 

Guo, H.
Parenting style and academic performance in children with and without siblings in Shanghai. 

Kim, S.
Is The Verbal Semantic Component Modality Specific? Is There A Critical Period For Second Language Acquisition?

Sayeed, A.
Gender differences in drinking behavior and self-esteem. 


Behrens, K.
Japanese and American mother-child relationship: Comparison of attuning behaviors during play.

Cappuccio, L.
Father-daughter relationship: Effects on adolescent daughters’ sexual behavior.

Caton, O.
Phonemic awareness as a predictor of reading readiness. 

Johnson, W.
Self-confidence, rate of maturation, and hormones in women. 

Shahidi, B.
Metacognition and leadership.

Sorkhabi, N.
Ethnic differences in adolescents’ perception of their parents’ parenting styles.

Yee, G.
Ideal partners and the triangular love scale.


Blanchard-Han., J.
A child’s caregivers and the child’s behavior toward an authority in kindergarten.

Casey-Cannon, S.
Moderating effects of the presence of a socially supportive (non-parent) adult on adolescent risk behavior and adjustment.

Cook, V.
Linguistic precocity and peer-related social competence of preschool children. 

Etter-McNee, I.
The relations between facial expressions, vagal tone, and temperament in 10-month-old infants. 

Hazard, S.
Acquisition of the locative alternation in English.

Remmel, E.
Source memory and source knowledge in preschool children.


Dauberman, J
Dialectical thinking in college students.

Hale, A.
Hopefulness in children: Impact of social support and self-esteem on hope. 

Humphrey, C. E.
The Power of Reinforcement: A Pragmatic Approach To Consciousness-Raising

Lollock, M.
Age of entry into accredited day care and social adjustment in preschool. 


Hollis-Franklyn, C.
Metalinguistic awareness and bilingualism.

Nicholson, J.
Relationship between birth status, sex, maternal interaction.

Prescott, A.
Maternal parenting style and toddler temperament: Influences during problem-solving.

Randel, B.
Parenting and socialization in Japanese and American families. 

Stuart-Sheets, L.
Cognitive and social competence development of children in different preschool environments.


McManus, A.
Criteria used by parents in selecting child care services. 

Mickalian, J.
Performance model analysis: Application to class inclusion and collection inclusion tasks.

Mula, M.
Social support network characteristics and percepts of child abuse.

Stote, R.
Mutual exclusivity bias and children's lexical acquisition of verbs.

Talmage, S.
Social content effects on the Wason task: Is logic formal or practical?  


Craven, K.
Family organization, psychosocial maturity, and academic performance in adolescents.

Farasani, M.
A comparison of ethnic identity between biracial adolescents and African American adolescents.

Goniotakis, K.
Oral English proficiency and extroversion in adult ESL students. 

Kilgore, M.
Temperament and language development in toddlers.

Schreier, S.
Attachment styles and self-concept in maltreated children in residential treatment. 


Berkenkotter, E.
Cocaine-exposed preterm infants: Neurobiologic risk, play, attention and developmental competence.

Chang, C.
Language socialization as a function of prosody in sibling-directed and nonsibling-directed speech.

Ragozin, P.
Evidence for Cerebral Hemisphere Lateralization between Two Distinct Types of Mental Representations 

Kingsley, K.
Temperamental goodness-of-fit and fifth-grader achievement.


Brown, B.
Culture and achievement motivation: Individualist and collectivist conceptions of intelligence.

Callo, E.
Childhood sexual abuse: Long-term effects on self-esteem in college students.

Campbell, S. E.
Effect of Emotional Stimuli on Memory Processes: Is Recall Enhanced or Inhibited?

Coleman, E.
Developmental assessment as an educational intervention with parents and toddlers.

Kemp, C.
The effects of childhood family relationships on romantic relationships for college students.

Ibrahim, L.
Secure base availability: Therapy and maternal representation of intergenerational transmission of attachment.

Hendry, L.
Gender differences concerning body weight and physical appearance in a college population.

Marcy, S.
Abused children: Implications for self-esteem and romantic love attachments in adulthood.

Tafe, E.
Relative bilingualism and its relationship to creativity.


Hoagland, K.
Self-disclosure: Gender, target person, and intimacy of topic. 

Martinson, N.
Maternal perceptions of infant behavior, development, and early communication. 

Mojabi, V.
The Relation of Birth Order to Mate Selection, Marriage, And Parenting 

Petricca, K.
Movement restriction: Effects on sleep in healthy young adults. 

Regan, K.
Integrated play groups with autistic children.

Thridandam, M.
Shyness and cognitive control in females.


Ambrose, S
Adult children of alcoholics: Recovery, self-esteem, and locus of control.

deJong, A.
Interactive patterns of attachment behavior and the self in six-year-olds.  

Dickson, L.
Attachment: Relations between security of father-child relationship and paternal characteristics.

Gamboa, K.
Individual differences and play levels in preschoolers.

Hembree, S.
Personal problem-solving efficacy and perceived parental relationship in adolescence.

Ito, I.
Acculturation and self-esteem of female Japanese immigrants in northern California.

Kristal, J.
Temperament and parenting style: Effects on social competency in preschool children.

Petron, N.
AIDS and the sexually active older adult.


Horgan, A.
Day care: Perceptions of parents and caregivers.

Kravin, H.
Erosion of a language in bilingual development.

Renfrew, B.
Moral and cognitive development: Relationships to moral behavior. 


deVera, A.
Effects of stress and social support on mothers of children with Down's syndrome.

Francis, R.
Physical therapists' attitudes toward the elderly.

Horgan, M.
Styles of loving and marital adjustment in three stages of the family life cycle.

McCarthy, E.
Health beliefs and behaviors: Transmission from parent to child.

Warren, J.
Teachers' perceptions of the social competence of learning disabled children and average children. 


Alunan, J.
Self-esteem and locus of control in two ethnic groups of children.

Cheney, D.
Names: Their impact on our personality.

Clerkin, A.
Ordinal position: Its relationship to self esteem and field dependence-independence.

Daly, L.
Conservation of number: The effects of correspondence type, number, arrangement and equality of objects on number conservation ability. 

Goldstein, A.
Hypothesis disconfirmation and impulsivity: An oral reasoning approach. 

McDaniel, M.
Contraceptive use among college students. 

Moore, S.
Developmentally appropriate preschools: Relationship to school achievement for middle-class children.

Schmieder, P.
Death anxiety and self-esteem in retirement community residents.

Shelesky, K.
Friends and non-friends: How friendship affects the way early adolescents respond to a conflict situation.

Thulin, E.
Logo programming by first graders: Psychological correlates.


Alwi, M.
Socio-cultural environments and variations in children's cognitive orientation.

Connitt, S.
Cross-gender play behavior in preschool girls.

Crinnon, K.
Locus of control: Attributions of causality and expectancy of outcome. 

Fotchman, T.
Contraceptive conflict.

Fredrickson, D.
Interpersonal cognitive problem solving and locus of control.

Horbacz, E.
Adult-age differences in memory ability as a function of being in school. 

Kelly, T.
Senility and social/sensory deprivation: A reciprocal relationship. 

True, M.
Assertion training: Effect on self-concept of adolescent girls.

Wakeley, R.
Maturation of the auditory brainstem response in preterm infants.


Chang, D.
Counting proficiency in preschool children: The role of working memory and the use of strategy in counting.

Fontaine, S.
Improving performance in deductive logic: A comparison of  alternative instructional methods.

Lynch, M.
Parental perceptions of behavior problems in preschool children.

Maccabe, E.
Nonverbal assessment of conservation of number in preschool and first grade children.

McCurry, C.
The development of the auditory evoked potential during the first four months of life.

Meixner, M.
Parent divorce and the young child's self concept.

Norris, V.
The effect of training on predicting displaced volume.

Rogers, L.
Adolescent prostitution.

Smith, J.
Measuring behavioral changes of moderately disturbed preschoolers with a teacher rating scale.


Eberhardt, J.
Empathy and attitudes toward social interaction in children. 

Haller, D.
Cognitive tempo and study habits-attitudes: A correlational study. 

Konjevich, C.
Women in traditional/nontraditional work: Correlates between life history and occupation. 

Nakaji, J.
Birth order and styles of love in adult relationships.

Roth, J.
Children's visual and affective role-taking abilities: An investigation of skill acquisition within two age groups.

Taylor, M.
Modifying sex-stereotypes through imitation.


Aldworth, R.
Conservation in deaf and hearing children.

Best, H.
Locus of control, cognitive maturity, and sexual responsibility in adolescence.

Bretschneider, J.
Sexual attitudes and behavior among healthy 80-102 year- olds. 

Burke, B.
Imagining and literary exercises: Effect on emphatic responsiveness in fourth grade children.

Eldredge, L.
Neurobehavioral and neurophysiological assessment of neonatal status of healthy and at-risk full-term infants.

Kilkelly, B.
Humor response of elderly to cartoons about aging. 

MacKenzie, L.
Non-verbal assessment of the concept of magnitude in language-  delayed and normal boys. 

McKnight, S.
Conceptual discrimination of human vs. animal faces in infancy. 


Gnauck, K.
Autism: Time-shifted evoked potentials in relation to a sound localization deficit.

Huff, W.
Motor schema strength as a function of variable practice in four-year-old children.

Lee-Adams, L.
Menopausal symptoms: Psycho-social correlates.

Nakahata, A.
Infant temperament and maternal-infant interactions at four months.


Brennan, P.
Reminiscence as adaptation: The relation between reminiscing activity, social interaction and morale in the aged.

Byrnes, B.
Cooperative and competitive behavior in the tower building task among Chinese and Caucasian girls.

Campbell, S.
Physical changes and the aging self.

DuRard, S.
Spatial relations and social relations in seven-year-olds.

Garcia, R.
Self-esteem levels of children living in single parent versus intact families.

Goodman, C.
Egocentrism and self-consciousness in urban Black adolescents.

King, E. G.
Locus of Control- a Personality Variable and its Relationship To the Development Process of Adult Life

Kurilich, K.
Occupational stereotyping in elementary school children.

Orenstein, G.
Recipient design skills in the storytelling of three and five-year-old girls and boys.

Levine, A. S.
Creativity and Intelligence in Two-Year Old Children

McKenna, B.
Peer competence as a function of breast-bottle regimes under varying mother-infant relationships.

Perez, L.
Perspective taking and its relationships to children’s moral judgment.

Rickel, P.
Spatial visualization training: An aptitude-treatment analysis of modeling effects. 

Shook, P.
Sex-role reversed stories’ influence on children’s attitudes toward adult occupations. 

Wolfe, S.
Bilingualism: One Or Two Conceptual Systems? 

Yen, J.
Rule use in solving causal problems as a function of encoding. 


Brink, B.
Creativity test performance and spatial/verbal abilities.

Fidler, B.
Reasoning about contradictory emotions in adolescence.

Huber, J.
Effects of witnessing the birth of a sibling on children’s concepts of procreation.

Hughes, M.
Humor and creativity in adult women. 

LaFargue, C.
Infants’ object concept: Acceleration training. 

Leino, E.
Use of perceptually based apparatuses to induce conservation on a Piagetian waterline task.

Lynch, D.
Achievement motivation and androgeny in three age groups of adult women.

Thomas, E.
The effects of smiling and instructions to ignore extraneous social cues on the achievement behavior of field-dependent and field-independent children.


Bacigalupi, C.
Visual memory as a function of introversion, level of arousal, and organizational style. 

Bank, L.
Perceived parental attributes and their relation to achievement motivation.

Brody, L.
A study of adolescent egocentrism and self consciousness.

Dragin, C.
Familial-handedness, lateralization and field-dependence in left-handed university students.

Grelling, L.
Death anxiety and irrevocability: Students of religious schooling versus public school students.

Kerr, J.
The effects of activity, environment, sex, education, and age within an aged population on daydreaming.

Thomas, P.
An analysis of characteristics of young childless women obtaining tubal ligation.

Wexler, B.
EEG asymmetry in children with dyslexia and dysphasia.


Borgstedt, G.
The perceived attributes of intelligent adults.

Childs, C.
The relationship between locus of control, willingness to delay gratification, and concepts of others in white middle-class children entering the first grade.

Coutinho, M.
A bi-dialectal task for determining the young Black child’s ability to imitate and comprehend speech.  

McCabe, N.
The comparison process in referential communication. 

O’ Donnell, T.
Modification of cognitive style in hyperactive children through verbally-mediated strategy scanning.  

Pancake, V.
Mutual friendship and cooperation in preschool boys.

Schmeink-Bunge, S.
Infant temperament and exploratory behavior at six months.

Tinsley, V.
Children’s self control: The effects of selective attention on persistence and inhibition. 

Vossler, L.
Object concept development of home-reared and day-care center infants.


Cereceda, M.
Self esteem in young diabetics.

Magee-Cogan, M.
Heart rate deceleration, attention, and operant conditioning in human infants.

DeFea, B.
Conceptual tempo, motor movement, and attentive behavior in “hyperactive” kindergarten children. 

Harris, M.
Long-term effects of extra tactile stimulation in premature infants: Developmental status at one year of age. 

Page, J.
Adaptation of a behavior profile to support teachers’ identifications of withdrawn fourth-graders.

Roper, G.
The development of deliberate facial imitation in children. 


Beiley, M.
Responsiveness of socially active and socially inactive children to peers.

Cokin, L.
The developmental antecedents and relationship of androgyny and sexual orientation in women.

Conover, C.
Evaluating and changing the legal sense among delinquent and incorrigible male youth.

Jenkins, D.
Introversion and extroversion in the language of pre-school children. 

Maitland, A.
A longitudinal investigation of classificatory processes in institutionalized women over sixty. 

Roberts, M. S.
A Self-Management Approach to Teaching Decision-Making To Children

Robbin, G.
Use of strategy by male five-year olds in information processing. 

Spitzer, S.
Differential effects of verbalization on the inductive reasoning processes of visually and verbally oriented subjects.

Zarate, A.
Teacher responses to preschool children’s participation, disruption, and dependent behavior.  



Allahyari, A.
Exophoric reference in restricted and elaborated coding: Age and sex differences. 

Bosshardt, A.
Spatial-visual ability and its relationship to individual and sex differences in field independence. 

Gustafson, H.
Maternal teaching styles and preschool children’s achievement motivation. 

Katayama, D.


Evaluative connotations of the racial labels black and white as a contributing factor in the development of racial attitudes in preschool children. 

McDonnell, T.
The effects of strategy instructions on the conceptual tempos and inductive reasoning processes of impulsive second grade boys.

Moltu, A.
Audiovisual matching, laterality, and reading ability in first-grade boys. 

Naylor, H.
Neuropsychological differentiation as a prerequisite for cognitive development.  

Skaff, M.
Cognitive style as predictor of beginning reading achievement. 

Smartt, L.
Effects of accumulated hours of day care experience, age, sex, and child-care center on seven categories of infant social and motor behavior. 

Uba, L.
Secondary reward value of a stimulus associated with nurturance in a mild stress situation.

Watts, T.
Synchronic development across a variety of seriation tasks.

Wertheimer, B.
Classification processes as a function of subject-initiated activity in women over sixty.

Woods, T.
Locomotor reinforcement of nonnutritive sucking in human infants.


Fabian, V.
Cognitive aspects of children’s comprehension of the passive voice.

Hong, L.
Chunking strategies of slow and average third-grade readers.

Pardue, S.
Locus of control and perception of parent-adolescent interaction patterns in late adolescence. 

Piontkowski, D.
An analysis of developmental skills available to achieving-nonachieving beginning readers.

Rabbani-Araghi, N.
Identification of expressive styles in fourth-grade children. 

Wilson, M.
Cognitive style and its association with classificatory tasks in pre- school children.

Zaks, V.
A measure of ethnic identity for young adult Mexican Americans. 


Chaille, C.
Symbolic representation and operativity: The relations between concrete operations, transformational mental imagery, and comparative-relational language abilities.

Gentry, S.
Effects of ordinal position and sibling sex on the development of achievement motivation. 

Hixson, F.
Comprehension of passive sentence constructions in three-year-old boys.

Kovatanna, P.
Visual discrimination learning in autistic children.

Scott, S.
Retention of information as a function of internal-external control of reinforcement in adolescent, male delinquents.

Shadan, L.
The effect of culture on children’s color and form perception.

Stratos, G. 
A Piagetian approach to the assessment of reading problems.

Thompson, S.
Modification of ethnic attitudes in six- and seven-year-old Caucasian children using a filmed model. 

Wall, M.
Fear of failure motivation and identity crisis in late adolescence. 


Bates, G.
Effects of medication administered during labor and delivery on depth perception in human neonates.

Bright, L.
Interest value of manipulable objects as a function of experience and complexity.

Green, J.
Some considerations in children’s ability to read nonverbal cues. 

Inderkum, C.
An investigation of the relationship between eye contact and perceived locus of control.  

Lipscomb, T. R.
The Effects of Experimenter Presence and Absence and Physical or Non-physical Means of Expression on Sex Differences in Aggression

Mansergh, G.
A cross cultural study of creativity and intelligence in pre-kindergarten children. 

Pulos, S.
Simultaneous visual-haptic intermodel transfer in three to five-year-old children. 

Roberson, W.
The concepts of life and death in the school age child.

Sabeti, F.
Sex-role preference in children of low and middle socioeconomic classes in Tehran, the capital of Iran.  

Waldo, M.
Field dependence and preschool social participation in five-year-old boys. 

Yee, L.
Mental abilities of Chinese fourth graders at different social class levels. 


Baltz, C.
Hypothesis testing in children as a function of socioeconomic class.

Jones, V.
Pattern discrimination in premature and full-term infants.

Russell, M.
Imitation of a male adult as a function of cognitive level and sex of subject.


Berkowitz, W.
Incongruent success and failure as determiners of self-esteem change and persuasibility.

Bianchini, K.
Play development as a function of cognitive development.

Lutzker, J.
Generalized modelling effects from film-mediated aggressive behavior in aggressive and non-aggressive children