Employee Selection and Retention Lab
Led by Dr. Chris Wright
Email: cwright@sfsu.edu
Dr. Wright's areas of research interest are employee selection and retention. The work in his lab seeks to answer the question, "How do we select the best employees and then retain them in the organization?" In the area of employee selection, recent work has focused on non-traditional selection techniques, applicant faking in pre-employment assessments, and the impact of applicant social network information on hiring decisions. Employee retention projects have examined the personality correlates of job embeddedness and longitudinal predictors of job embeddedness in employees."
Dr. Wright earned his undergraduate degree in psychology and sociology and his Masters and Ph.D. in I/O psychology from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. Prior to joining SF State, he worked extensively as an HR consultant for a wide range of clients in the public and private sectors. In his first job post-graduate school, he was a Project Manager for CORE Corporation where his client work included the Police and Fire departments of San Francisco and Miami. From 1998 to 2000, he was the Testing Manager for the California Public Utilities Commission where he oversaw job analysis, recruitment, and selection for the agency. Since 2000 he has worked as an independent consultant for a wide range of clients including Safeway Corporation, the California Commission on Correctional Peace Officer Standards and Training, the California Department of General Services, the California Franchise Tax Board, the Louisiana Department of Law Enforcement, the Kern County Correctional Facility, the Tucson Fire Department, the State of Alaska, the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and Pacific Gas & Electric.
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