Peer Advising

Peer Advisers are junior and senior psychology students earning course credit to provide guidance to students about the Psychology major. Peer Advisers provide the following:

  • Review of major requirements
  • Discussion of favorite psychology courses
  • Information about psychology opportunities at SF State

Spring 2025 Peer Advising will be held from January 27th to May 16th. You can meet with a Peer Advisor either in-person (Ethnic Studies & Psychology Building - Room 203) or via Zoom. The schedule is provided below:


12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Nyla (she/her) is a transfer student, first in family to graduate from a 4-year university, and wants to provide counseling to clients with identity-specific problems.
  • ZOOM ID: 968 566 6348
  • ZOOM Passcode: 834568

2:30 PM to 4:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Nyla (she/her) is a transfer student, first in family to graduate from a 4-year university, and wants to provide counseling to clients with identity-specific problems.
  • ZOOM ID: 968 566 6348
  • ZOOM Passcode: 834568

7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Krystal (she/her) is a transfer student and wants to run her own therapy practice for children. Krystal has a minor in special education.
  • ZOOM ID: 221 749 7264
  • ZOOM Passcode: 016293



9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Jessica (she/her) is a transfer student, first in family to graduate from a 4-year university, and wants to work as an organizational consultant and career coach. Jessica has a double major in Urban Studies and Planning.
  • ZOOM ID: 924 392 5306
  • ZOOM Passcode: 942865

12:00 PM to 3:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Jared (he/him) is a non-transfer student and wants to work in school and career counseling. 
  • ZOOM ID: 980 411 2448
  • ZOOM Passcode: 12345678

6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Mai Ly (she/her) is a transfer student and wants to work in school counseling and education. 
  • ZOOM ID: 442 860 3354
  • ZOOM Passcode: goodvibes



5:00 PM to 8:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Sophie (she/her) is a transfer student and wants to work in a field to support mental well-being within the local community.
  • ZOOM ID: 941 417 9684
  • ZOOM Passcode: 905356



1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (In-Person)

  • Adviser: Ryo (he/him) is a transfer student and wants to work in marriage and family therapy.
  • Room EP 203 (2nd floor)

4:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Christina (she/her) is a transfer student and wants to work as a counselor at a VA Veterans Hospital. Christina is a Veteran.
  • ZOOM ID: 714 865 1952
  • ZOOM Passcode: 3E3JnR



9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Zoom)

  • Adviser: Amaiya (she/her) is a transfer student and wants to work as a therapist.
  • ZOOM ID: 672 146 3445
  • ZOOM Passcode: 988784



How to Become a Peer Adviser:

All Peer Advisers are enrolled PSY 680 Peer Advising for 3 units. Enrollment is through an application process and determined by the instructor. Applications for PSY 680 are reviewed during the course registration session of the prior semester (e.g., submit application in Spring to be a Peer Adviser in the Fall). Please contact Professor Kevin Eschleman ( for an application.

Enrollment Eligibility:

  • Be a junior or senior psychology major.
  • Successful completion of PSY303.
  • Have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.
  • Have at least 12 units in the major completed.
  • Be interested in developing academic advising and coaching skills.
  • Be conscientious about keeping appointments.