Why Study Psychology?
Psychology is a broad field of study and practice comprised of several different yet complementary areas of specialization. The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology is built around a core set of courses in theory and methods plus three broad areas of study: basic psychological processes, individual differences in psychological development, social, cultural, organizational, and community contexts. Several themes of common interest extend across these broad areas including an appreciation for cultural and human diversity, ethics and values, a sense of individual empowerment, historical antecedents, critical thinking and the understanding of self and others.

The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology offers a foundation in the analysis and critical evaluation of psychological literature; the communication of psychological concepts and facts both orally and in writing; and the development of psychological research including design, data analysis, measurement, and basic computer operation. Our B.A. degree provides an excellent foundation for work in the community in many fields that involve human relations and behavior. In addition, the undergraduate degree is an excellent preparation for graduate school in all fields of psychology, other behavioral and social sciences as well as for graduate programs in business, law, medicine, and many other professional fields.